whatsapp status for annoyed - 2
whatsapp status for annoyed - 2
- "What you heard is not what I said. Listen better next time."
- "The one who angers you, controls you. Don't give anyone the power. Especially the ones who do it intentionally."
- "Think again before you assume, And next time don't be so quick to judge. You'll never know what it's like to be in my shoes."
- "Does not understand why people want to act like your friend, then turn around and stab you in the back!"
- "is wishing that SOME people would understand that: IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!!"
- "If I treated you the way you treat me, you would hate my guts."
- "Go ahead and ignore me,..I can play that game too, and I'm probably better at it than you are..."
- "Its amazing how one person can piss you off in seconds and another can make you smile by doing nothing at all."
- "No time for disrespectful, immature, selfish individuals!"
- "Ignorance is bliss and bullets are cheap.... Have a nice day!"
- "Ever notice its those people saying they hate drama that start it? It doesn't make sense to me."
- "Everything happens for a reason. So don't be surprised when I punch you in the face... remember, I HAD A REASON."
- "is wondering if certain people have to work to be annoying or if it just comes naturally"
- "Don't bark if you can't bite."
- "The people that work hard don't get the credit.The people that just do nothing get everything."
- "Why is it the hard working people have to work harder to get what they need but the non working people get it handed too them?"
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